With the purpose of preserving beautiful architecture of old days . Selected icons of past Taiwan are posted . Under lyric , narrative or critical eyes all features explores a forgotten era , although it is receding, concealing , fading away but still remains the charming beauty of a lost era . those fusioned cultural efforts , decayed asethical achievements . Memory of fading dreams awaking with jerks of astonishing happiness . photos of tradition and colonialism settled secular corners , urban poverties and deserted receding streets detailed architectural out looks of run down houses, rottened attractions or wrecked structures lament the glamour pride of past existences . Nightfalls recall ordeals of people . Vaguely, crescent moon gazes at lonely strollers . Fears of life is always hide in the shads.
Chinese architecture can not be isolated from the influences of Middle Asia , Arabic , India , and the surrounding minor ethics , as it is by the Western , Japan , ... of today . Culture influence has a mutuality character in nature . has many faces expressed in architecture .
Taiwan is an Island , has fainter connections with Main Land China in the occupation years . The imperialist draws Taiwan society further departing from China . Today , remains of eclecticism , functionalism architecture can be found in Taipei, Kaohsiung , Keelung, and other cities . Such as tobacco mills , engine maintenance factory , sugar plants , wharfs , warehouses , air fields , .... . Some cities or townships have been planned according to their geological character and natural resource . But the progress after recovery by Chinese are even impressive . Today, high raises towers . pedestrian malls , modernism architecture faces wilder , cleaning streets give the world another wonders of human achievements .